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MLS NOTE: This is a public auction. The price listed above is a low estimated value of what the property could sell for. The high estimated price is $880,000.400± ACRES GRANT COUNTY, OKLAHOMA * OFFERED IN 3 TRACTS WAKITA OK AREA GRASS PASTURE * CROP LAND LILLIE FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST AUCTION FRIDAY MARCH 28RD 2025 10:00 AM AUCTION LOCATION: All tracts will be sold from Tract 1 HWY 132 & LOGAN RD WAKITA OK 73771 TRACT 1 Directions to Farm: From Manchester, OK, go 4.5 miles south on Hwy 132 or from the intersection of Hwy 132 & 11 go 7.5 miles north, (westside of road), watch for signs. Legal Description: NE/4 of 10-28N-8 W.I.M. Grant County, OK. Taxes: $575 Possession:after harvest of existing crop This tract consists of approximately 160 acres more or less. This tract is comprised of mostly crop land and has Hwy 132 frontage on the east and good county road access on the north that does dead-end. According to the county FSA office, there is 155.91 cropland acres with a 72.90 wheat base, 36-bushel yield; 35.30 Grain Sorghum base, 34-yield; 8.10 Soybean base, 9-yield; 31.04 Seed Cotton base, 768-yield. Improvements include: Water well (old hand dug with Dempster hand pump, there is water in hole) and older barn. There is electric power running down the northside of the farm. Principal soils are: Pond Creek Silt Loam, 0-1% slopes, class I; Reinach Very Fine Sandy loam, 0-1% slopes, class I; Lovedale Fine Sandy Loam, 1-3% slopes, class II; Kingfisher-Wakita Complex, 1-3% slopes, class III TRACT 2 Direction to Farm: From Manchester, OK, go 6.5 miles south on Hwy 132 to Lattimer Rd, then 1/2 east or from the intersection of Hwy 132 & 11 go 6 miles north to Lattimer Rd, then 1/2 east (northside of road), watch for signs. Legal Description: SE/4 of 14-28N-8 W.I.M., Grant County, OK. Taxes: $490.00 Possession: after harvest of existing crop This tract will consist of approximately 160 acres more or less. According to the county FSA office, there is 158.19 cropland acres with a 74.10 wheat base, 36-bushel yield; 35.90 Grain Sorghum base, 34-yield; 8.20 Soybean base, 9-yield; 31.52 Seed Cotton base, 768-yield. This property has good access by county road on the south and east. Improvements include: water well (old hand dug well, does have water in it but lid needs replaced, see picture. Principal soils are: Pond Creek Silt Loam, 0-1% slopes, class I; Reinach Very Fine Sandy loam, 0-1% slopes, class I; Lovedale Fine Sandy Loam, 1-3% slopes, class II; Kingfisher-Wakita Complex, 1-3% slopes, class III; Devol Fine Sandy Loam, 1-3% slopes, class III TRACT 3 Direction to Farm: From Manchester, OK, go 6.5 miles south on Hwy 132, then 1/4 mile west or from the intersection of Hwy 132 & 11 go 6 miles north, then 1/4 mile west (southside of road), watch for signs. Legal Description: W/2 of NW/4 of 22-28N-8 W.I.M. Grant County, OK. Taxes: $253.00 Possession: will be given at closing This tract will consist of approximately 80 acres more or less. According to the county FSA office there is 65.10 cropland acres with 38.20 wheat base, 36-yield; 1.90 Oat base, 38-yield; 2.20 Grain Sorghum, 34-yield. This property is comprised of mostly native grass pasture and timber. This tract offers good recreation and hunting. Improvements include: water well, older home (not livable), several older barns. Principal soils are: Hawley Fine Sandy Loam, 0-1% slopes, class II; Devoll Fine Sandy Loam, 1-3% slopes, class III; Edna Loamy Fine Sand, 3-5% slopes, class III; Yahola Fine Sandy Loam, 0-1% slopes, class III Minerals: Selling surface rights only. View the Farms: Can be done during daylight hours only. Do not drive on any crops Pre-Auction Offers: No pre-auction offers will be accepted prior to day of auction Internet Bidding: will be available by clicking online bidding link to register. Neither the Auction Company nor the Seller is responsible |